Welcome from your vicar Noel

Talented members of St. Leonard's, Heath and Reach, St. Michael's, Eggington and St. Nicholas', Hockliffe provided the music and singing for three Easter hymns, played during last year’s Easter Sunday service. Congratulations to all and special thanks to Roger Spalding (audio) and Bert Newman (visual) [bertnewman.co.uk] for collating and producing these special pieces.

Please note that there are no activities at St. Leonard's Church Hall on Thursday 4 July as it is being used as a Polling Station. 


Reverend Noel McGeeney

Welcome to St. Leonard's church, located in Heath and Reach Central Bedfordshire. St. Leonard's is part of the Ouzel Valley team ministry and within the Diocese of St. Albans. All are welcome to any of our churches. 

If you are in communion with your own Church please feel free to receive Holy Communion in ours. If you do not receive  Holy Communion please come forward holding your service booklet to receive a blessing.

Support the Church


Help the church and meet people at the same time. Everyone has something to contribute. 


The church relies on your donations to keep its roof from leaking, the candles lit, and the organ tuned. If you have a few pounds to spare, please consider making a tax deductible donation on your next visit to the church or going to our Donate page.

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.
— Proverbs 23:18