1:00 pm13:00

St. Leonard's May Fayre

St. Leonard’s May Fayre

This is on Saturday 18 May from 1.00pm at St. Leonard’s Church Hall. There will be stalls, dancers, refreshments; a Fun Dog Show and lots more. Please start collecting prizes for the raffle and the tombola as well as plants for the plant stall. Volunteers will also be need on the day.

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Café Church
3:00 pm15:00

Café Church

A family service for all those who have had children baptised in the past three years is on Sunday 28 April at 3.00pm to 4.00pm at Eggington Parish Hall. For more details, please contact Roger Spalding at: spaldingr96 @

(spaces have been added to the email address for safety. )

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7:30 pm19:30

Evening of Music and Laughter

Evening of Music and Laughter

Join the St Leonard’s Amateur Players for an Evening of Music and Laughter at St Leonard’s Church Hall on Saturday 17 February at 7.30pm. Tickets are £7.00.

Booking is essential so please contact the Parish Office: 07502 320025 or

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3:00 pm15:00

Cafe Church

Café Church

A family service for all those who have had children baptised in the past three years is on Sunday 28 January at 3.00pm to 4.00pm at Eggington Parish Hall. For more details, please contact Roger Spalding at:

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Seasonal Lunch
12:30 pm12:30

Seasonal Lunch

The next one is on Saturday 27 January 2024 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm in St. Leonard’s Church Hall. Transport can be provided. If you know of anyone who lives alone and would like to come, please book them in. Booking is essential so please contact the Parish Office: 07502 320025 or

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to 5 Nov

Services for the week starting 29th October

The service on Sunday is a Joint Service at St. Nicholas’ at 9.30am and that there are no services at St. Leonard’s or St. Michael’s. Also that there are no Evening Services at St. Leonard's on Tuesday 31 October and 7 November 2023 and there is no 8.00am service at St. Leonard's on Sunday 5 November. Thanks

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