Services at St. Leonard's

Sunday Services

8.00 am: 1st and 3rd Sunday: Holy Communion
11.00 am: 1st Sunday of month: Family Service
11.00 am: all other Sundays: Parish Communion

Morning Prayers VIA ZOOM

Monday - Saturday at 9.00 am

Holy Communion

Tuesday evening at 7.00pm.

services on Zoom

To join a service via Zoom please use the contact form above. The recurring link is:

For Morning Prayer on Fridays and Saturdays the recurring link is:

Parish Communion

St. Michael's, Eggington: 9:30am; 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
St. Nicholas', Hockliffe: 9:30am; 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.

Sunday Services in October at St. Michael’s and St. Nicholas’

Please note that as Bishop Alan is taking the service at St Michael's on Sunday 22 October at 9.30am, the October Sunday services will be: -

St Michael's Eggington: 9.30am on October 1 (Harvest Festival) and 22.

St Nicholas’ Hockcliffe: 9.30am on October 8, 15 and 29 (Joint Service).  

All 11.00 am Sunday services and the 7.00 pm Tuesday services at St Leonard’s will also be broadcast via ‘Zoom’. If you wish to join the services via ‘Zoom’ please complete the contact form below: